System approach in marketing decision-making (english)

Ефективна діяльність малих підприємств, забезпечення стабільного зростання, підвищення рентабельності і конкурентоспроможності в найважчих умовах ринкової економіки значною мірою залежить від якості та швидкості прийняття маркетингових рішень.

Подолання економічної кризи й подальший економічний розвиток України як на макро-, так і на мікро- рівні пов'язані з підвищенням життєдіяльності такого сектору економіки як малий бізнес. Тому, в сучасних умовах, дедалі актуальнішими стають питання поліпшення та розвитку цього ледве помітного але дуже вагомого чинника стабільності й розвитку нашої країни. Ефективна діяльність підприємств малого бізнесу, забезпечення стабільного зростання, підвищення рентабельності і конкурентоспроможності в такий найважчих сучасних умовах ринкової економіки значною мірою залежить від якості та швидкості прийняття маркетингових рішень.

A highly changeable market situation in Ukraine, political and international instability, increased competition and limited resources are leading to an increased management complexity for small and medium businesses. Investments made by such businesses to promote their goods (services) prove to be working to the advantage of more powerful competitors, thus resulting in a reduction of own sales and sometimes leading to company’s bankruptcy.

This situation is caused by the lack of an approach to marketing as a system consisting of an organization, sales channels, resellers, suppliers of goods (services), market (the totality of actual and potential customers, competitors, substitute products).

A system approach makes it possible to simulate market effects and identify the most efficient ways to achieve the goal established, thus enabling building an optimal system of the marketing mix. Such a systematic approach proves to be the most efficient in the case of incomplete initial information and restrictions on financial and time resources, which is typical for projects to enter new markets or develop new products.

By using the system approach, objects are considered as systems with active elements, capable and seeking to set goals and then to achieve them.

The particularity of the system approach is to develop and apply methodology defining system analysis stages as well as methods for their implementation. The approach combines both formal methods and models, with the techniques based on the intuition of experts, which help to make use of their knowledge, hence generating the special appeal of the systemic analysis to solve problems of small and medium enterprises. For example, these include such methods as brainstorming, expert evaluation, the Delphi’s method, the purpose tree, system simulation.

The system approach allows revealing patterns and meaning in a number of events and phenomena in order to get better prepared for the future and be able to influence it. System thinking provides managers with a tool to manage their future.
Practices prove the system simulation technique to be the most efficient one.

In linear thinking, while examining separate parts, an attempt is made to change them irrespective of the whole. The system thinking studies the entire system, thus resulting in understanding of its components. A systemic review of an organization brings its leader to the new phase of activity, a new level of marketing decision-making and perception of reality.

The uniqueness of the system simulation is that the leader gets an opportunity to see the entire system from outside. The methodology is based on a systematic method of placement entitled "Organizational Constellations”, which was invented by Bert Hellinger in the late 70's.

Isayeva Anna
European University

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